12 times table up to 20
12 times table up to 20

Whenever we multiply a number, the answer gets bigger by whatever the multiplier is. When it comes to the rest of the numbers it's about explaining how multiplication works. Whenever we play hide-and-seek for example, the finder always has to count up in fives to one hundred! Teaching your child to count up in fives can also be part of a game. The easiest way to learn the five times tables is probably parrot-fashion and learning them in a rhythm:įive - ten - fifteen - twenty - twenty-five - thirty - thirty-five - forty - forty-five - fifty etc. The five times tables are pretty straight-forward too and shouldn't take too long to learn.

12 times table up to 20

To multiply any number by 10 you simply put a zero on the end of it. The ten times tables are by far the easiest as they require no understanding about how the tables work. The best order for learning the times tables, in my opinion, are as follows:

12 times table up to 20

Explaining the drill will ensure your child sees that learning their times tables is not going to be as difficult as they may have heard. So by starting with the 1's you are introducing your child to the times tables in a very easy way. This will not only help build your child's confidence as they are learning but will also make the transition from the lower numbers to the higher numbers far easier. It is much easier and far more constructive to start with the easy numbers first. A common mistake people tend to make is working their way through the numbers in order.

12 times table up to 20 12 times table up to 20

It's a matter of going over and over them until your child feels confident that they have learnt them. No-one ever said that learning times tables was easy. We at First Tutors understand the importance of teaching our children the times tables so we've come up with three easy ways we think will aid in getting your child to remember their times tables. And of course times tables are something that will help in all aspects of both school life and adult life. Times tables are so important to a child's learning they will help them conquer Maths much easier if they know their times tables by heart. For some children it is easier than for others but from my experience all children need a helping hand. There comes a time in every parents life where the inevitable times-tables learning will come up.

12 times table up to 20